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Abbey Creek Vineyard

Abbey Creek Vineyard https://supportblackowned.com/media/com_jbusinessdirectory/pictures/companies/9134/cropped-1548621264.png 31441 Northwest Commercial Street, North Plains 97133, Oregon, United States (503) 389-0619 3.0 05 2

31441 Northwest Commercial Street, North Plains 97133, Oregon, United States

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Wholesale Products
General info
We're a small family winery that would not exist without the support of a diverse and dynamic community. From the soil to the glass, we do it all from beginning our day in the vineyard, tending to the wine, then pouring glasses for guests at events in the evening.


2 Reviews

3.0 average based on 2 Reviews

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1 Star
  • Great Wine


    Ordered two bottles of Pinot last and they are fantastic! They have a new customer in us!
  • Lakaye


    None yet

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