Advanced iNergies LLC

Minority Business Enterprise
General info
Advanced iNergies LLC is a unique consulting firm focused on saving you on the electricity you purchase as well as helping you reduce your energy consumption! ​ We evaluate properties - Find inefficiencies and suggest solutions. ​ Our services include Supply Side and Demand Side Solutions... What does that mean? Supply Side Solutions are associated with providing a source for energy (Electricity & Natural Gas) to a facility from a REP (Retail Energy Provider) or a Alternative Energy Source (like Solar or Wind). ​ All supply side solutions saves the end user money as it reduces the cost per kilowatt hour you are paying. Demand Side Solutions are associated with reducing the energy consumption. ​ Use less, Pay less... Resulting in cutting more cost! ​ Some of the other technologies we offer on the demand side include energy saving lighting, back up generation & batteries, power line conditioning and energy management tools.


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