Allan's Bakery


1109 Nostrand Avenue, New York 11225, New York, United States

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General info
We are a third-generation family-owned and operated West Indian bakery that has been serving the Brooklyn, New York area for over 50 years. Allan and his wife Gloria founded the bakery after friends and neighbors suggested he open a store for his many loaves of bread and pastries. Allan started baking products in one small residential oven and sold them from the back of his vehicle with his wife, son, and daughters by his side. As time went on and business began to grow, Allan and Gloria chose to move to a storefront location at 425 Saratoga Ave, Brooklyn, NY in 1961. The bakery quickly became popular, and they added a variety of new items to the menu, including an array of bread baked fresh daily. As business began to increase, Allan realized that the size of the bakery would have to as well. After this realization, Allan and his wife moved the bakery to Nostrand Ave, where it still stands today at 1107, 1109, and 1111 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn, NY.



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