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$275 Million Class Action Settlement To Benefit Consumers and Third-Party Payers Announced by End-Payer Plaintiffs in Prescription Generic Drug Case

PHILADELPHIA, March 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ --


Fine, Kaplan, and Black, R.P.C. announces: If You Purchased, Paid, or Reimbursed for Certain
PRESCRIPTION GENERIC DRUGS in the United States between May 1, 2009 and December 31, 2019,
You Could Get a Payment from a Class Action Settlement.

A federal court authorized this Notice.
This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.


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Your legal rights might be affected by a proposed $275,000,000 Settlement in a class action lawsuit (In re Generic Pharmaceuticals Antitrust Litigation, No. 16-MD-2724) pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The lawsuit  claims that Sandoz Inc. and Fougera Pharmaceuticals Inc. ("Sandoz") and other generic manufacturers (the "Non-Settling Defendants") violated federal and state antitrust laws, consumer protection statutes, and common law, causing End-Payers – including consumers and Third-Party Payers ("TPPs") (e.g., entities such as insurers or employers with self-funded prescription drug plans) – to pay more than they should have for certain prescription generic drugs ("Named Generic Drugs"). Sandoz denies that it is liable to End-Payers. The Court has not decided who is right. The lawsuit remains ongoing against the Non-Settling Defendants.

Am I a Settlement Class Member? This lawsuit was brought by End-Payers for Named Generic Drugs ("EPPs"), and the court has preliminarily certified an EPP Sandoz Settlement Class that consists of TPPs and consumers. You may be a member of the Settlement Class if you are a TPP or consumer that indirectly purchased, paid for, and/or provided reimbursement for some or all of the purchase price for one or more of the Named Generic Drugs, for personal use by yourself or your members, and other than for resale, in the United States (except Indiana and Ohio) and in some United States territories, at any time during the period from May 1, 2009 through December 31, 2019. Certain kinds of entities are excluded from the Settlement Class. A more detailed notice that includes the full class description and who is or is not included; the list of Named Generic Drugs; the complete list of Defendants; and the Settlement Agreement is available at www.GenericDrugsEndPayerSettlement.com.

What does the Settlement provide? Under the proposed Settlement, Sandoz has paid $275,000,000 into a settlement fund. The settlement fund may be reduced under certain circumstances, as explained in the Settlement Agreement. It will be used to pay eligible Settlement Class Members, following deductions for the costs of settlement notice and administration (up to $750,000); and, subject to Court approval, deductions for attorneys' fees of up to one-third of the fund plus interest, litigation expenses (up to $26,000,000), and service awards to the Settlement Class Representatives (up to $500,000 altogether). Settlement Class Counsel will post their request for fees, expenses, and service awards on www.GenericDrugsEndPayerSettlement.com. Sandoz also agreed to cooperate with EPPs in providing information related to EPPs' litigation against the Non-Settling Defendants.

How do I get a payment? Money will be distributed if and after the Court approves the Settlement. The amount and the timing of payment will be based on a Plan of Allocation that must be approved by the Court. EPPs' proposed Plan of Allocation is posted on www.GenericDrugsEndPayerSettlement.com. The claims process will open at a later date. To receive settlement-related updates, including when claim forms are available, you should register on www.GenericDrugsEndPayerSettlement.com or call 1-877-316-0171.

If I am a Settlement Class Member, what are my options? If you do nothing, you will remain a Settlement Class Member, be eligible to participate in the Settlement, be legally bound by the Court's rulings on the Settlement and the claims against Sandoz, and you will not be able to pursue your claims against Sandoz. If you do not want to be legally bound by the Settlement, or if you want to keep your right to sue Sandoz yourself, you must exclude yourself. If you elect to remain in the Settlement Class but object to some or all of the Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation, the request for attorneys' fees, expenses, or the proposed service awards, you may object. Details on how to request exclusion or object are on www.GenericDrugsEndPayerSettlement.com. Any exclusion requests or objections must be submitted by May 9, 2025.  The Court will hold a Fairness Hearing on July 23, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. to decide whether to approve the Settlement, the Plan of Allocation, and any request for attorneys' fees, expenses, or service awards. If you wish to appear at the hearing, you must file a "Notice of Intention to Appear" with the Court and you may (but are not required to) hire your own attorney to appear in court for you at your own expense. The Court may change deadlines or the date and time of the hearing. Check www.GenericDrugsEndPayerSettlement.com for updates.

Cision View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/275-million-class-action-settlement-to-benefit-consumers-and-third-party-payers-announced-by-end-payer-plaintiffs-in-prescription-generic-drug-case-302395189.html

SOURCE Fine, Kaplan, and Black, R.P.C.

rt $275 Million Class Action Settlement To Benefit Consumers and Third-Party Payers Announced by End-Payer Plaintiffs in Prescription Generic Drug Case | Support Black Owned
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