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Success on Repeat for Entrepreneurs

Which leads me to why I believe you are here. You may be here to support a co-worker, friend, or family member, or you may be here because you want to make new connections. Whatever the reason, I am fully convinced that you will leave here inspired and wanting to start a business or improve yours. Simple conversations with like-minded individuals can add fuel to the flame that is needed to for you conquer the business world.
Being successful starts from within. How much do you believe in yourself and in your vision? To what length will you go to accomplish your dream? Why think bigger than everyone else and why want more? These are questions that every entrepreneur wrestles with and those who know these answers , create success again and again. Owning a business is hard work, but very rewarding. The majority of the people in the world who have a high net worth (less debt and more money) own businesses. As entrepreneurs, we hold the key to our growth because we are responsible for attracting clients or customers. While everyone else is going out and having a great time, we are working or finding opportunities to improve our businesses. We work so hard because we know that in due season, we will reap an enormous harvest. When we get in line with our purpose and our reason for being born, we attract people and resources to get us closer to our destiny. Many times, our businesses are not about us, but about those who we can inspire to live their dreams. Before Barack Obama was elected the President of the United States, many young African Americans girls and boys did not see the presidency as an option. But it is now a very real option because President Obama drowned out the naysayers and embraced the positive voices that cheered him on.
Entrepreneurship is that secret key that few know about that can open a door of possibilities. Many people may think that it takes a lot of money, good credit, and college degrees to start a successful business, but that is not always the case. As you will find out, there are plenty of business owners in this room who started their companies with little or nothing. The most important thing is to just start! The business plan, contacts, and money will soon follow. Always remember, there will never be a perfect time, just make time perfect.
If you are business owner, I encourage you to keep going, keep building, and to keep dreaming. If you are not a business owner, I challenge you to consider making the move to becoming an entrepreneur. There is a different type of fulfillment that you experience when you start or create something. What you start or create is original and no one can start or create it like you can.
In closing, I ask that you consider becoming a partner in our network. Strategic partners are vital to building successful businesses. The ongoing networking will consist of business workshops, guest speakers, and many more exciting ventures. The goal of the network is to build a community network that supports each other through business knowledge and referrals, helping to grow our businesses.