Real Talk About the Buy Black Movement
In the past 36 months, African-Americans have experienced one heartbreak after another. They’re killing our sons and daughters, frustration is high and justice seems unattainable. But, in the eloquent words of Rev. Al Sharpton, “They’ve broken our hearts, but they haven’t broken our backs!”
What is the “Buy Black Movement?”
Encouraging Black people to “buy black” has become more popular in recent weeks as the answer to the question, “How can we get noticed?” The majority isn’t listening and the only thing that will seemingly get their attention is cash — or, the lack there of. African-Americans spend upwards of 1 trillion dollars annually with less than 2% returning to our communities. That’s ridiculous. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The busiest shopping weekend of the year was down 11% — a direct result of protests surrounding a grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson.
Black business owners, especially those that have been in the game for a while, have been yelling this battle cry for years. But now that society seems to have no real affection for us, it’s becoming abundantly clear that whether we like it or not, we ARE our brothers’ keeper.
Where do we go from here?
It’s time to go to work. It’s time to let go of the negative stereotypes affiliated with Black-Owned Businesses (BOBs). It’s time to be an example for friends and relatives who “won’t buy from you.” It’s time to take a personal assessment and become responsible for the only person over which you have control – YOU.
Use the tools from Support Black Owned and make it easier for potential customers and clients to find you. The momentum has begun. All you have to do is help push.