Cook Studios


1717 Broadway, Brooklyn 11207, New York, United States

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General info
Cook is a 26 year old New York photographer born and raised in Brooklyn. For the past 5 years, Cook has been photographing portraits, candid and collaborative work in editorial as well as ecommerce. And in the past 3 years, he has also exhibited his pieces in group gallery exhibitions around the States. His visual explorations within the 5 years of his work reflect upon his voice and point of view as a young African American professional creating poignant pieces that evoke a message along with the capture story. “It only takes a camera and film. It’s almost as simple as writing: which only needs pen m and paper to create. Photography is simple. It is merely to discover, anticipate and provoke feelings that we already feel but the art behind it is to see the moment that will evoke a feeling story or what have you, and be able to patiently wait for it and align the lens with to be able to capture such a story unfurling before the lens…. Ultimately what the audience and viewers of this image will be seeing, interpreting and understanding in a visually meaningful way.” -Cook ‘19 Cook Studios was cultivated through Cook utilizing the knowledge he had gained through the


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