Cooked Goose Catering Company


7851 Steubenville Pike Oakdale, Pittsburgh 15071, Pennsylvania, United States

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General info
Whether you’re looking for the best brunch in Pittsburgh or affordable wedding catering services, we have you covered! At the Cooked Goose Catering Company, we deliver high-quality homemade catering for every menu item we offer. Our ‘Build Your Own Brunch Buffet’ is perfect for any workplace luncheon and large family gathering. The buffet includes your choice of eggs, side dishes, pasta, chicken, meat, and vegetables, along with an assortment of breakfast bread. With our wedding catering services, we are here to help you focus on the fun, not the food! We understand wedding planning can be hectic, which is why we will walk you through the entire planning process to make sure your wedding is a success! To see how we can help with your next catering event, please call 412-258-5944 or visit today!


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