We Are Jersey


Saddle Brook 07663, New Jersey, United States

General info
We Are Jersey is an all-inclusive media, marketing and entertainment company based out of New Jersey whose sole focus is to provide clients a welcoming environment in which they will be able to receive full services in a one-stop entertainment establishment. We Are Jersey is Founded & Owned by CEO’s Daniel Banks and Bridget Papino. Some services provided by We Are Jersey are: Djs, Producers, Models, Photographers and Videographers. We Are Jersey not only caters to private and public events with the talents of DJs who provide musical selections of all kinds, but also has created two other branches of entertainment under one umbrella. We Are Jersey Magazine is supports all upcoming talent within New Jersey and beyond New Jersey while providing a solid foundation for upcoming creatives to be showcased in the field of entertainment. We Are Jersey Magazine not only supports recording artists but supports entertainment as a whole stemming anywhere from entrepreneurs, artists, designers, and more.



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