Jumi's Beauty Supply


4785 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville 30044, Georgia, United States

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General info
Jumi's Beauty Supply is a retail beauty supply store serving the immediate community of Lawrenceville, Georgia. Jumi's primary customers are African American however we will meet the needs of all residents in the community by diversifying our product mix. Jumi's focuses on creating a one-stop full service, shopping experience. Jumi's Beauty Supply offers an extensive line of beauty supplies, approximately 3000 sku's (stock keeping units). Product categories include shampoos, conditioners, relaxers, hairdressings, electrical equipment, salon apparel, accessories, commercial hair, wigs, and styling tools. Sales are primarily walk in with additional sales supplemented by licensed beauty professionals, institutional sales, and a website with fully functional E-Commerce capabilities in the future. We offer men & children products as well.


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