Kouture Katering and Eventshttps://www.supportblackowned.com/media/com_jbusinessdirectory/pictures/companies/0/KoutureKateringLogo copy-1440810421.jpg1827 W Wilt St, Philadelphia 19121, Pennsylvania, United States(413) 337-73781.0051
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Kouture Katering and events is a family- owned and operated one-stop-shop. We’ve been in the industry for over 15 years but we didn't form Kouture Katering until 2012. We use fine ingredients and traditional methods to produce exceptional artisan pastries, breads, and cookies, appetizers and even dinners. We were once located in Lithonia, Georgia but we saw the need for us in Philadelphia, PA and here we are. While we continually strive for innovation at Kouture Katering, we’re still making our creations on the healthier side for our customers and we know that they're grateful!
9/10 I hire this company to do my son 16 birthday same day she made promises to help me with my son party she gave me a total for 566 which the same day she asked for a deposit of 200 which she received in full but from there nothing went right but lies six days later on 9/16 was the first time she sent me a blue print and receipt for the things she was doing for my son party she kept trying to over charge me on numerous occasions so now we at the same day on 8/16 she sent me picture for my son chip and labels for his water and picture for a backdrop 9/18 she calls me to tell she can’t print what she already she could print but previous I told her I wouldn’t be send any more money if she didn’t show me what she done so far for his party the day after she received a told 495 the next day she says she can’t do the backdrop or banner and she’s will be canceling her services to do my son party and she will not be giving me a full refund for her canceling 6 day before my son birthday that she will only try to give me 295 which she never sent at all she is a scam beware do not do business with this lady !!!!!!! She will take your money run !!!!
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Kouture Katering and Events