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Michelle encourages Woman that they are overcomers and can comeback from any challenge. Author of Affirmations for Success Her topics include: · The Power is in Your Mouth · Divorce is not a Destroyer · Winning the battle over weight · Why you have Such a Pretty Face is not a Compliment · Single Moms are Winners The Power of Owning your Own Business Michelle A. Roberts from Atlanta, GA is a fighter and a winner! After being married for 17 years, I finally came to myself and realized that my drug addicted husband would not change. You see, I was not raised with my father so I always longed for that loving male relationship and I stayed too LONG with a man incapable of providing it. I became so depressed and I was now carrying 268lbs on a 5 ft frame. I thought no man would want a fat girl with 3 babies. Finally, I took charge of my life. I had life altering gastric by-pass surgery and I lost more than 110 pounds. Got a divorce, went back to school and completed a BSM then MA and now I’m two classes away from starting a Dissertation for my Doctorate. Yes it was hard, yes I cried,
There are many online platforms that accept customer reviews these days, and we all know that these reviews can be faked. So when you see our green tick, you have the safety of knowing that every review on Top Property has been independently investigated by us, and verified as a genuine customer.
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Michelle A Roberts Enterprises LLC