Mike Jones foto

https://www.supportblackowned.com/media/com_jbusinessdirectory/pictures/companies/0/nicole _1_3 copy-1408418019.jpg

5142 Onaknoll Ave, Los Angeles 90043, California, United States

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General info
Mike Jones foto is a adverting and entertainment full service photography production company. With a history of photographing ads, album covers and major media events. At Mike Jones foto we have worked for major record companies, television and film studios and adverting agencies. We bring our unique set of problem solving skills to every production. I have shot an album cover in a ladies room, a ad in a fright elevator. I was the Soul Train and Image Awards photographer for many years. I believe in client service. I want to make your next photo shoot the best production experience you have ever had. Please call to discuss your photography needs large and small. My team and I are ready to help.


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