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1514 Cavel Road, Rosedale 21237, Maryland, United States

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Health & Wellness
General info
What is a birth Doula? A birth Doula is a person who is trained to assist a mother-to-be during childbirth. She provides support before, during and after child birth. High numbers of positive birth experiences happen during the presents of a Doula. Women are less likely to have pain-relief medications and less likely to have a cesarean birth. Women are also having a more positive childbirth experiences. Possibility of a cesarean drops by 50%. Length of labor decreases by 25% Requests for an epidural drops by 60%! My work surpasses the simple definition of a Doula. I start by trying to understand your desires, fears and direction. I get to know you and your family to see the best way I can Doula! During your journey into motherhood you are connecting to your ancestors and welcoming another generation into this world. My goal is to help you become confident in your ability to bring forth life in a positive and nurturing environment. In supporting a new mother we help nurture the nurturer. If a new mother is able to have a positive birth experience, that experience will lead her to a easier postpartum. Your journey could impact whomever you share your experience with.


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