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As a designer by trade, and beauty enthusiast by nature, Ashley Rae Pearsall’s quest to making natural bath + body products has been a path organically unfolding. After years of being an ingredient-conscious consumer, she started experimenting with homemade blends in sunny California in 2012. Now hailing from the Big Apple, Ashley is drawing inspiration from coast to coast, committed to developing products that are simple, trusted, and irresistibly skindulgent. FUN FACT: SMOOSH was a nickname given to Ashley by a colleague a few years ago. Why, you ask? We’re not really sure, but there’s something about it that sounds sassy but real; simple yet spunky. Just like our products – soaps and scrubs that are gentle on the skin that leave you so smooth it should be a sin. Are you #SMOOSHin ?
There are many online platforms that accept customer reviews these days, and we all know that these reviews can be faked. So when you see our green tick, you have the safety of knowing that every review on Top Property has been independently investigated by us, and verified as a genuine customer.
The way we verify any review is with evidence of the contract between that business and client, like a copy of an invoice, a signed contract, a receipt of payment, or a related internal company record.
This information is supplied to us when that review is submitted, and it’s only when we are satisfied it’s legitimate, that will we publish it. This information we use as evidence is provided to us by the company which that review is about, and or by the client who paid for those products and or services.
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SMOOSH Bath + Body, LLC