The Business Liaisons


PO BOX 395, Philadelphia 19001, Pennsylvania, United States

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Black Wall Street USA
General info
We are two women looking to assist others in changing their own lives. We want to help business owners take their business to the next new level while allowing to fully realize personal endeavors along the way. Through one on one business and life coaching to affordable group coaching we provide effective strategic planning for growing the small business owner looking to fulfill dreams! Now, we realize, many business owners have designed and followed established business objectives. We appreciate that and even celebrate that accomplishment. Our services are to only enhance and help build upon that strategy by providing an objective coaching approach. BL is able to add a dynamic to the business owner’s business that would have otherwise been unrealized. To be a successful business owner, it takes living dreams in all aspects of one’s life. Life/Business coaches as a rule are called to help you navigate your life challenges. We help our clients with navigating personal decisions and career goals…affordably. We assist them you with prioritizing and realizing, design and (or) redesigning your business. Business Liaisons vision includes combining years of experience in


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