Terms Of Service


"You" or "Your" represents the user and any employees, business partners, family members which access the site through the use of an assigned user name and password.

"Support Black Owned" refers to any administrative personnel who represents the site through employment, partnership, or contracted as such.

Terms Of Service

Support Black Owned is a directory of Black owned businesses. Due to consumers looking for a business which meet a certain criteria, we limit the businesses in the directory to businesses being owned by someone who is considered Black or of African decent. It is not a form of racism in any way, it is an attempt to provide consumers with a service which tailored specifically for their search query. Therefore if you are not a Black business owner, unfortunately you will be unable to add your business to this directory. 

By submitting your business in our directory, you attest that you are Black or of African decent.

By submitting your business in our directory, you agree to settle any dispute about whether your business is Black owned by providing photo identification and documentation proving that you are a Black business owner and you are the owner of the business in question.

By submitting your business in our directory, you agree that if you fail to provide photo identification in a situation which your business needs to validated as a Black owned business then your business will be deleted from the directory.

By submitting your business in our directory, you agree that if you have paid for services and it is determined that you are not a Black business owner and your business is deleted from the directory, you forfeit your refund due to an attempt at fraud as you have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.

By submitting your business in our directory, you agree that you have all legal rights to the information and media used to represent your business listing in our directory.

You agree to pay any legal fees levied against Support Black Owned which arise as a direct result of you uploading media, photos, or any content which does not belong to you.

By submitting your business in our directory, you agree that Support Black Owned has the privilege to share images, media, and information on your behalf as a listed business in our directory.

You must provide a valid phone number and email address as a condition to have your business listed for the purposes of being contacted by Support Black Owned employees and customers.

You agree that Support Black Owned employees may contact you with special offers pertaining to business services, products related to your industry, and advertising opportunities.

 If You Agree check the agree box above