Website and Resume Building Services, LLC


174 Danforth Avenue, Jersey City 07305, New Jersey, United States

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General info
About WARBS Website and Resume Building Service, LLC, or WARBS for short, is dedicated to the improvement of employability and business online presence. WARBS is built with the idea of simplicity, efficiency and professionalism for the modern need of catering to progressive technology. WARBS has the idea of helping people find the jobs they want and to empower companies and small businesses by using the internet as a platform. People Behind WARBS Founder, Lateif Dickerson Chief Lateif Dickerson, or Chief as he most often is referred to, is a highly accomplished firearms expert and self-defense instructor whom also owns, directs and serves as the Chief Instructor at the New Jersey Firearms Academy, inc at Jersey City, New Jersey. You may visit his website at or contact him at [email protected]. Co-founder and Developer, Kirsten Patricio Kirsten Patricio, or Kay, has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a content writer and a web developer. She has worked with Lateif Dickerson for the New Jersey Firearms Academy, Inc. You can reach Kay at [email protected] or [email protected].


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