Atlantic South Medical Group


2925 Northeast 199th Street, Miami 33180, Florida, United States

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General info
EXAMS Comprehensive Adult Well Woman – Pap, Breast Exam Pre-Employment School Physical Sports Physical Surgical Clearance Health Prevention (Prostate, Colorectal, Breast, Osteoporosis, Screening) TREATMENT / MANAGEMENT Erectile Dysfunction Asthma Diabetes Menopausal / Andropause High Cholesterol Contraception High Blood Pressure Overactive Bladder Obesity / Weight Dermatitis Bronchitis / Emphysema / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD Immunizations Depression / Anxiety Evaluation Prenatal / OB (referral) Services Hormone Evaluation TESTING / PROCEDURES On-site Lab / Blood Draw Routine Bloodwork Genetic Testing Urine Pregnancy Test / Confirmation Rapid Strep Vaccines Administration Mono Spot PPD Influenza Genetic Testing EKG Spirometry Pulse Ox Minor Surgical Procedures Drug Testing STD Evaluation X-Ray / Diagnostic Testing Coumadin Monitoring Joint Injections SPECIALTY SERVICES Botox


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