Capoeira Cais Da Bahia


7601 East Treasure Drive, Miami Beach 33141, Florida, United States

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Health & Wellness
General info
Welcome to Cais Da Bahia we are an affiliated group located in the USA. The first was brought to the USA in Massachusetts from Mestre Tico Tico. My name is Instructor Vulcao, I have been a dedicated practitioner of Capoeira for 20 years. It saved my life, became a way of life for me to grow, meet other amazing people, travel and move ahead to become an entrepreneur. I've trained with many Mestres of Capoeira during my travels, learned so much from that experience, took what i learned to strengthen my skills, and it made me a more well rounded person. I have had the honor to watch many of my fellow Capoeira friends rise to top and flourish within the art. I'm honored to be able to assist to you and your family for Capoeira is the way to go if you are looking for strengthening yourself in ways that you thought were impossible.


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