Clarktel Telecommunications, Inc.


1661 Copley Road, Akron 44320, Ohio, United States

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General info
Whether in the cloud or your local IT closet, Clarktel delivers Northeast Ohio with all of today's best-in-class business technology solutions. Our team specializes in providing system sales, design consultation, and maintenance to commercial users of telecommunications, security and IT networking solutions. Our suite of complimentary solutions are delivered from the cloud or on-premise and include: Communications (Business Phone, including Advanced Call Center and Elevator Phone over 5G); Security (CCTV Surveillance, Proactive AI monitoring and Intrusion Alarm); Access Control (Access Control and Video Door Phone); Remote Worker Enablement (Business Phone, Video Meeting, Cloud File Share and Storage); Networking (Structured Cabling, Local Network and Cybersecurity); Voice and Data (SIP Trunking and MPLS). We’re a locally owned and operated business supporting nearly 3,000 systems for our 2,500 clients.


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