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Rio Grandeur

Fashion Accessories
General info
The name Rio Grandeur stems from the word Rio meaning river and Grandeur pronounced, "Gran-dee-ur" which is French for greatness. A river is a natural flowing body of water, and from this originates, Rio Grandeur: The Flow of Greatness. Our lifestyle clothing brand has blended French culture and the language of love with a minimalistic American streetwear design. Our mission is to empower the community through words and phrases of affirmation. We believe that through creative design we can unify our community; bringing together all individuals from various walks of life so they can visualize and fulfill their own destiny. No matter where life has set you, understand that we are all capable and worthy of achieving greatness and living life with purpose, because living life without purpose and meaning is a life not lived! ​ The concept behind Rio Grandeur is to design clothing that speaks for you. Often times we acknowledge the good in others but lose sight of the great within. A key to remind ourselves that even during our most vulnerable and difficult times, there is always someone who wishes they were where you are. Rio Grandeur wants each individual to find out what makes


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